Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Destination: Germany

Well friends, in 4 days I will embark on another journey. Getting onto a plane and taking off on this adventure, I will soon be on the other side of the ocean from most of you. The purpose: learn German, be immersed in the culture, but most of all, serve and love this family who I will be living with and working for. That is the great thing about the idea behind being an au pair - it is a partnership, joining with the family, not being removed from daily life, but being involved in what matters to them. I will be taking care of two girls, ages 4 and 2 1/12 years old, for around 30 hours a week, taking German classes at the local community school, and exploring both near and far in my free time.

My commitment in Germany is for a year. I do hope that I will be able to use this time wisely, in order to see places that I really want to see, and meet up with friends/family who are in or near that region. During this year, I want to keep you up to date on both the day-to-day life, and the occasional adventures that I have. While I am in Germany, I am hoping to learn some good cooking and baking skills, to broaden my experience in those areas. So, you might also find some recipes up here (though they may be in metric...sorry, depends on if I am able to translate them or really is better anyway).

For now, I have many things to do in order to prepare for this move. Bags must be packed, furniture must be moved, and the room must be cleaned. I suppose the adventure has already begun. Thank you for reading and following my story! Wilkommen und viel spaß!


  1. Bethany that sounds so exciting! I miss you and will be praying for you in this new journey!

  2. Sweet friend, thanks for creating this blog. It'll be great fun to follow you to Germany and pray for you along the way! You know that I'd follow you ANYWHERE! Where Bethany is, there is good eats, drinks, and lots of love!!! (-:

  3. Yay for blogging about your will be missed <3
